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01-21-2022, 01:05 PM | #38911 | |||
Scatshop.com- Set of my 3 scat videos-discount 60%
Description: Normal price: $71,97 Discounted set price: $28,99 (3 FULL HD videos) Closeup shit, lick, and blow shitty dildo Closeup shit, lick, and blow shitty dildo Closeup shit, lick, and blow shitty dildo - ScatShop window._wpemojiSettings = {baseUrl:https:\\s.w.org\images\core\emoji\12.0.0-1\72x72\,ext:.png,svgUrl:https:\\s.w.org\images\co re\emoji\12.0.0-1\svg\,svgExt:.svg,source:{concatemoji:https:\\www .scatshop.com\wp-includes\js\wp-emoji-release.min.js}} function(e,a,t){var n,r,o,i=a.createElement(canvas),p=i.getContext&&i. getContext(2d)function s(e,t){var a=String.fromCharCodep.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.hei ght),p.fillText(a.apply(this,e),0,0)e=i.toDataURL( )return p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.app ly(this,t),0,0),e===i.toDataURL()}function c(e){var t=a.createElement(script)t.src=e,t.defer=t.type=te xtjavascript,a.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendC hild(t)}for(o=Array(flag,emoji),t.supports={everyt hing:0,everythingExceptFlag:0},r=0r<o.lengthr)t.su 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Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:13 PM | #38912 | |||
Scatshop.com- Big Ladies Feeds Toilet Slave
Description: Here I am together with my BBW girlfriend, a slave who was under our asses, one after another, shitting extremely in the mouth. But before we filled the slave with our big shit sausages, we tease him with our big asses and feets See how BBW pooping the slave a mega shit heap in his mouth. And after that, on BBW shit, I shit on it. The slave had to eat our shit afterwards, while he came to his limits But we knew no mercy and have fed the slave with our shit. Model: annalise Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : 223420.mp4 File Size : 864.71 MB Resolution : 1280x720 Duration : 00:15:56 Video : AVC, 7 384 kb/s, 29.970 (30000/1001) FPS Audio : AAC, 192 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: 223420.mp4 - 864.7 MB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:14 PM | #38913 | |||
Scatshop.com- DADDY I Have To Shit
Description: I start with sucking some really awesome cock like only I can suck a cock I really work the shaft and suck the balls and focus a lot on the head Then I climb on reverse cowgirl and start riding As Im riding the cock I feel like I have to shit and then I start shitting as I am riding his cock. I dont stop fucking while I am shitting. I finish shitting and then turn around and for the best dirty hand job with the load I just dropped blowing a huge load Model: AutumnYoung Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : Daddy-I-have-to-Shit.mp4 File Size : 1128.37 MB Resolution : 1920x1080 Duration : 00:06:40 Video : AVC, 23.5 Mb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS Audio : AAC, 180 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: Daddy-I-have-to-Shit.mp4 - 1.1 GB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:17 PM | #38914 | |||
Scatshop.com- Three (3) awesome poopy clips
Description: Heres three(3) fab clips In the first two(2) I sit in reverse and shit my brains out, even getting some poop on the toilet seat. In the third one I am super constipated and gf supports me emotionally Model: PoopPrincesses Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : scatsweetie-101715.mp4 File Size : 501.96 MB Resolution : 1920x1080 Duration : 00:07:12 Video : AVC, 10 000 kb/s, 25.000 FPS Audio : AAC, 149 kb/s (CBR), 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: scatsweetie-101715.mp4 - 502.0 MB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:20 PM | #38915 | |||
Scatshop.com- Get to know me MORE Spreading GIGANTIC-Load
Description: This my 2nd Get To Know Me Video. This is version 2 and will have 3 different yet exciting versions to it. So if this is not the version that most appeals to you wait for the final version to be posted at a later date THIS 2nd version I am talking to you and explaining more about myself and my experiences in the last 3-4 months while I have been here on Scatshop and my experience from videoing and how those have been going compared to what I was used to with just being naughty off camera in my normal day to day life I talk to you the entire time and then pull down my jeans while still in my stilettos. I get ready to poop on the plate below me while sitting on the toilet. I then decide I need to pee first before pushing my ENORMOUS load out that I have been holding for 3 days After peeing I push out that ENORMOUS load onto the plate and then give you a nice long close up view of the entire movement. To image smelling or tasting whatever your imagination wants to do with it. It is so HUGE I couldnt even believe it I continue to enjoy my enormous shit but slowly and methodically spreading it all over my body. I am really explaining how everything feels as I am spreading it all over me. I make myself cum really hard as I had gotten so hot while taking my time spreading brown all over me. Muah From your favorite Redhead Model: AutumnYoung Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : 2nd-Get-to-Know-Me-scatshop-cum-no-washing-1080.mp4 File Size : 1578.84 MB Resolution : 1920x1080 Duration : 00:23:56 Video : AVC, 9 026 kb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS Audio : AAC, 192 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: 2nd-Get-to-Know-Me-scatshop-cum-no-washing-1080.mp4 - 1.5 GB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:23 PM | #38916 | |||
Scatshop.com- Cruel video
Description: Cruel video In this film there is a lot of cruelty-if you have a weak psyche please do not look Model: MilanaSmelly Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : s119.mp4 File Size : 1962.88 MB Resolution : 1280x720 Duration : 01:01:08 Video : AVC, 4 294 kb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS Audio : AAC, 192 kb/s (VBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: s119.mp4 - 1.9 GB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:30 PM | #38917 | |||
Scatshop.com- Huge Stream Pee SQUIRT In Sexy Garters
Description: I piss a huge stream across the floor and my pussy really opens up wide. Model: AutumnYoung Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : piss-in-livingroom-seattle.mp4 File Size : 202.1 MB Resolution : 1920x1080 Duration : 00:01:12 Video : AVC, 23.3 Mb/s, 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS Audio : AAC, 179 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: piss-in-livingroom-seattle.mp4 - 202.1 MB
Freshrip.net |
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01-21-2022, 01:37 PM | #38918 | |||
Scatshop.com- Enema Shit Rocks
Description: so I had a little trouble the other day taking a shit and when that happens I give myself a nice cold enema and it forces those turd nuggets to come shooting out like hard rocks watch me shit them out and taste them and shove them up my pussy and shit them out again from the wrong hole enemas make for the most fun shits. help me be filthy by watching me its a huge turn on. and I just love putting the hard nuggets in my mouth and sucking on them. my shit tastes like a sweet cup of coffee and I love it so much. Im such a dirty girl Model: Alicia1983june Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : MAH00102.mp4 File Size : 131.42 MB Resolution : 1280x720 Duration : 00:06:04 Video : AVC, 2 845 kb/s, 29.970 (30000/1001) FPS Audio : AAC, 128 kb/s (CBR), 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: MAH00102.mp4 - 131.4 MB
Freshrip.net |
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01-23-2022, 02:45 AM | #38919 | |||
Scatshop.com- I Love Your Weird Sock Pooping Fantasy, Its Fun
Description: Oh you are so cute and weird with your sock pooping video request, but you are lucky I am a fun and open girl O) I have been holding my shit in for a long time, as I woke up early and there wasnt good light in my flat to filmso I waited FOREVER to finally release this HUGE fat shit OMG hahaa. I tell you all the things I ate the day before, which was so much I went to bed with a bad stomach ache But it all came out all over my socks, just like you like little poop weirdo hehe. There are some nice poofy and crackly gas sounds, too Anyway, so I pooped on my socks for you, I am happy to get you off however you request You are going to love my big fat long loadhehe now my socks could be called foot-long socks Model: peteuse Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : sockspoop.mp4 File Size : 66.48 MB Resolution : 1920x1080 Duration : 00:03:56 Video : AVC, 2 220 kb/s, 30.000 FPS Audio : AAC, 128 kb/s (CBR), 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: sockspoop.mp4 - 66.5 MB
Freshrip.net |
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01-23-2022, 02:51 AM | #38920 | |||
Scatshop.com- Dirty Toddler BabyGirl
Description: Too much party food and a VERY messy diaper Wearing her cute new satin party dress, toddler babygirl had a wonderful time at the party but she ate far too much junk food and now shes had a huge messy accident in her diaper. She wet and pooped herself so much that her diaper couldnt hold it all-she just kept filling it up until there was no more room for it all Her bulging diaper couldnt hold all the pee and poop Her diaper got so full that the poop leaked out and she ended up in a terrible mess, with poop all over her party dress, legs, socks and even the sofa. She started out looking so innocent, but she really should have asked to use the potty. It was naughty and dirty to wet and poop herself so much, and not even care about being in such a filthy mess Model: thefartbabes Studio: Scatshop.com Info: File Name : dirtytoddlergirl.wmv File Size : 968.04 MB Resolution : 1280x720 Duration : 00:22:40 Video : WMV2, 5 468 kb/s, 30.052 FPS Audio : WMA, 256 kb/s, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 1 stream Download VIDEO: dirtytoddlergirl.wmv - 968.0 MB
Freshrip.net |
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