MegaPearCandids Full Siterip
72 Videos | 4.62 GB
This web site is your place if you think that there is nothing more attractive than a woman with curves. Even more, if you believe that a sexy woman has extremely wide hips, a small waist, a large behind, meaty thighs - or all of them together, then you will like this web site. What you will find are candid videos of girls that fall in the category described above. As a lover of pear-shaped beauties you might know that they are quite a rare species. There are lots of big women, but spotting a slim, cute girl that has an exaggerated big lower half is a moment to seize. The concept of this site is to bring forward the appreciation of a full, bottom-heavy female figure. Therefore you can either become a member by purchasing access for a small fee or - what is even more encouraged - submit your own candid pictures of pear-shaped beautiful girls. Just send them in and your candids (if unseen on the web) will be published on this site.