Old 08-11-2022, 10:13 PM #1
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Default Defloration.tv- Anna Sanglante - hardcore defloration

Defloration.tv- Anna Sanglante - hardcore defloration

It is our hardest defloration that has ever been recorded by us The process of defloration took us two days The girl had a very stiff and strong hymen and she was in lots of pain. The video recommended only to people with strong psyche The video is uncut and uncensored

Hello there I am back today after my initial casting which took place a couple of weeks ago, I hope you remember my childhood drama.. it was about my criminal grandfather who was trying to rpg me and its really shook my psyche for my entire life... Read more &gt&gt&gt For the longest time to my age now when Im 18 I couldnt be with any men and I couldnt even look at them and of course because of this I am a virgin But after the casting and expressing myself on the video I was sitting at home and thinking about how I can stay a virgin till the end of my life and not be able to have kids or family and this is when the thoughts are starting to come together in my head to perhaps come here and try my luck by losing my virginity with a professional With someone who knows what hes doing and wouldnt hurt me and I could easily trust him unlike any other man that I could meet and he would hundred percent hurt me while taking my virginity away When I arrive to the studio I was a very nervous girl, like any other girl who would be as afraid as I am of the first time so its very normal I guess Nonetheless after a little talk with the producer she called in the actor who I got to meet before hand the day before actually, so this has eased things a lot although I havent seen him naked.. We were talking about it I told him that I was very scared and afraid and nervous he was trying to call me down and told me to trust him and he will do everything that he can so I wouldnt experience such pain I trusted him and with the end result I did the right thing for sure As we started, you were kissing he was undressing me sucking on my tits touching them touching my ass then he decided to check my virginity and the first second he looked at it he was very surprised to see that I am a real virgin.. Just like I told everyone and since the casting nothing has changed of course.. He done immediately started licking my pussy and it was something out of this world feeling that I never experienced till now and at this moment I already knew that I was missing out a lot in the world of sex He then told me that its time to move on and for me to meet his friend he took his pants down and told me to try to grab his cock and stroke it. It felt really weird and strange but it was at the same time exciting for me until the moment when he asked me to suck his cock and I knew that it was coming sooner or later and I was really preparing for this moment in my mind. I was licking it and taking it slowly in my mouth it was super huge, I even told him about it. He told me it could be small but then he wouldnt be excited, but he really really likes me and it makes it grow super big Thats your dad we had to move on to the next step, which was for me to lose my virginity we have tried around three poses and it was hurting really really much and I was stopping him all the time until the moment where he tried to slide it in and I screamed out loud.. So we had to stop and I wanted to leave and decided to go home even and I left But the next day I returned and were trying for the second time again in the same poses we even use some special gel that gives a feeling that everything is freezing. So I wouldnt be really feeling much of a pain makes my pussy numb. It was my idea and they supported me and Im really thankful for this So after trying out around for different poses he finally slid his huge cock inside my pussy and broke my hymen.. It was really hurting it was the biggest pain I have ever experienced in my life.. I didnt know what was going on I felt like I was heating up from the inside and something bad is about to happen because of this, but he told me that hes surely inside and he has a feeling that hes fully inside of me. I couldnt believe him for like 10 minutes I was asking him hundreds of questions on if hes really inside of me if thats it if Im no longer a virgin. I was probably being very annoying but this is a really big deal for me, and its natural for me to ask all these questions. We decided that he will be moving his cock in and out slowly, really slowly, because I still had too much pain and I knew that we cant stop there and we have to continue.. so after about another 10 minutes of him moving his cock slowly. I told him to check if I was not a virgin anymore so in the same dog style pose hes predator my pussy lips and told me that hundred percent the Hyman is gone it was super bloody, inserted his fingers inside my pussy and I knew that for sure I was no longer a little virgin girl He didnt ask me if we can continue and I have agreed but only if he was going to be very slow.
Which he was of-course with lots of respect towards me He asked me immediately to sit on him and be in the writing position but as soon as this happened I experienced even more pain and I decided to change it up and go back in the poses that we have tried before and so in this pose we managed to have orgasms at the same time he came all over me It was definitely a different day that I will always remember, its always been my heart and I will definitely practice sex with my future partners because I really want to have a family and kids and for this I need to have sex So Im overall on really confused but also the same time happy that I took this tap and now its over. Especially thankful to the actor and producer for all the support that they have shown me over these couple of days Collapse
Teens girls, beautiful girl, milf

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