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Old 07-19-2022, 08:01 PM #1
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Default Elder Lund- Disciplinary Action Elder Lund- Disciplinary Action


Elder Lund made his way to the temple, subconsciously dragging his feet with each step. Worthiness interviews werent uncommon for him, but this time he knew things would be harder.
During his last interview, he confessed that somehow he got caught up in inappropriate behavior with his companion, Elder Gardner. He stressed that it was a one time thing and a big mistake. Elder Lund had never even considered being with men, not even once
This presented an unusual situation for the Brethren. Here was a completely straight boy who had sex with his companion. Not only that, Elder Gardner went ahead and mentioned the Order
The Brethren were put in a tricky situation, knowing the secret of The Order was paramount to its power. Elder Lund would need to be under their control, ideally as an inductee. President Ballard knew what to do.
The handsome man told Elder Lund that he would be conducting his next worthiness interview. Elder Lund knew he would have to answer more questions about his recent same-sex experience, but had no idea just how deep it would go.
Lund sat in a chair opposite President Ballard in a private, white room. In any other circumstance, it would have been very relaxing. But now, all he could do was focus on Ballards piercing eyes.
Things started somewhat normal, regular questions about missionary work and such. Even the questions about his companion were strangely generic. But it was when the president mentioned his sexual thoughts that he began to get nervous.
President Ballard asked him if hed ever lied before. Of course, he thought to himself. Who hasnt? He wanted to be truthful now, but he knew this could be used to imply hes lying about other things. Like not being gay
The older man could see the boys evasiveness before he even answered. He knew he would get nowhere from questions and that the only way to get what he needed was to take drastic action.
Remove your shoes, Ballard ordered, his voice gruff and powerful.
Lund did as he was told, confused, but eager to get through this ordeal.
Now your tie.
The instructions continued with Ballard pointing to each article of clothing, telling him to remove them. It wasnt uncommon for missionaries to be asked to disrobe for their superiors, but it was strange for him to do so in the course of questions of his sexuality. Where was this going? Once he was down to his dress shirt and garments, he was told to sit.
Im going to tie your hands behind your back, Ballard stated matter-of-factly. Im going to ask you a series of questions and you will answer honestly.
President Ballard moved behind him, stringing a soft, white rope between his wrists, tying unseen knots until his hands were tightly joined together. Sweat beaded up and fell down his temple. He felt like hed stepped into some kind of cage, unable to see a way out.
Lets begin.
President Ballard placed a hand on his inner thigh, so lightly it barely pressed in on his flesh.
How does this feel, the older man asked.
I dont like it, Lund responded. And it was true. It felt weird. The mans hand were rough and large and foreign. This man was older and a stranger. What was he trying to get at?
Ballard moved his hands further up, grazing at the fabric of his garments, tugging the threads that rested on his genitals. It felt even weirder. Ballard once again asked how it felt. And once again, Lund answered negatively.
It was then that things crossed a line. President Ballard pulled down the band of his garment shorts, revealing his hairy navel and the top of his pubic hair. With the back of his hand, he caressed the delicate follicles, stroking them like he were assessing the quality of their density and texture.
The older man pulled his short down even further, exposing the boys penis completely. Ballard took it into his hand, playing with the boys genitals inquisitively, seeming to observe the weight of his shaft and the pliability of his testiles.
Elder Lund closed his eyes, trying to think of something else, place himself somewhere else. Hes had his penis handled before by doctors, but briefly, and in a completely different context. This felt wrong. Very wrong. And yet, something about the way he was being touched started to arouse him.
Ballard could see that the boy was uncomfortable, even avoiding eye contact. Even when he pushed himself closer, spreading Lunds legs further apart, Lund actively tried to distance himself.
But Ballard was persistent. He had one mission and one mission only trap this boy. He could see Lund was starting to become aroused. His nipples were getting more erection and his penis was beginning to swell.
He tested him all over, touching him, teasing him, seeing what combination of sensations it would take to make his penis hard. And once he was, he knew hed have him. How could he deny having attraction to men when he was holding onto his rock hard member?
Feeling his efforts arouse the boy, he went for broke and wrapped his mouth around his penis. Elder Lund couldnt believe it The president was sucking on his cock
He didnt want to get hard. Not at all But the feeling of the warm, wet mouth moving up and down the head of his penis made his body react in a way he was actively trying to prevent He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything else, but it was no use. His body betrayed him, making him reveal his tumescence.
His mind twisted, trying to make sense of this. Anyone touching my penis would get me hard, he thought to himself. But even he had his doubts. He knew he couldnt control getting an erection, but what he didnt expect was to like it. It felt good. Really good And if that was the case, maybe he was doing something wrong.
Youve got a big dick, President Ballard said, removing the boys cock from his mouth briefly. It seemed almost taunting, as if he were saying I knew you were lying.
Elder Lung watched in shock as President Ballard continued to suck and swallow his penis, forcing him to react with moans of pleasure. He wanted to run and get far away from this, but the ropes kept him firmly locked in place. As each wave of pleasure crashed over him, he feared deeper and deeper what it meant that he liked it.
President Ballard reached for a bottle of oil and squeezed it on the boys cock. He stroked the liquid into the flesh of his member, sending powerful sensations from the head of his penis throughout his whole body.
Please stop, Elder Lund moaned. Even hearing himself say, he was having trouble believing it.
You keep staying stop, President Ballard smiled, but youre still getting very hard.
Elder Lung was trapped. Trapped in his body, trapped in the moment, and trapped by the Order. The pleasure tortured him, knowing that what was being done to him was wrong, but feeling that it was even worse to like it.
Ballard watched as the boys balls began to tighten, pushing in closer to the tufts of adolescent pubic hair that sprouted from his genitals like freshly planted grass, not yet fully grown. Elder Lund tried hard to hold back any reaction, but the muscles in his anus and pelvis seemed to have a reflex of their own, clenching and pulsing in response to the older mans touch.
He wondered when it would end and he could stop receiving such confusing pleasure from President Ballard. But he knew as well as the older man touching him that he wouldnt last much longer. Soon, very soon, this would have an ending, and hed have to answer for the burst of cum that would be all over the older mans hand...
Elder Lund
File Name : Elder Lund- Disciplinary Action.mp4
File Size : 1330.72 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:25:50

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