Zishy.com- Noelle Easton Halloween Citties
Noelle Easton may be 18 years old and bursting at the right seams, but she has not outgrown Halloween. Heh, that kinda rhymes. We visited the fine establishment named Halloween City on this warm Friday. Yep, temperatures are still pleasant in Porn Valley. Noelle immediately attracted attention upon our arrival. A kind gentleman leaving the store offered us to photograph on his Harley Davidson, and even though we were in a pinch for time, we could not resist. Then inside, an employee pestered Noelle for a sexy photo to make his girlfriend jealous. Noelle indulged him, because she_s sweet like that, and the employee went so far as to lift her up into his arms. The place was crawling with people preparing for the holiday, but we managed to get a few photos of our own. Happy Halloween and do not fret, more Easton and her treats coming soon.
Noelle Easton
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